Tuesday 12 June 2012

The blood: the blood on Dr Kelly's boots and socks

There was blood on Dr Kelly's boots and socks as noted by Mr Green in his statement:

Footwear: Items NCH.4&5 were a pair of "Timberland" hiking boots.  The right boot (NCH.4) bore a few small bloodstains on the heel and over the inner aspect. (The inner aspect of a pair of shoes are the sides that would face one another when they are worn as a pair, whilst the outer aspects would face away from each other).  There was a directional bloodstain that appeared to have originated from the right of the shoe; a full STR profile was obtained from this stain that matched the profile of Dr Kelly.  The left boot (NCH.5) bore bloodstaining on the top of the inner aspect of the ankle surround.  The heaviest stain was selected for STR profiling tests, which showed that this blood could have come from Dr Kelly.

Items NCH.6 and 7 were a pair of beige socks.  Both socks bore bloodstains on the ankle part of the socks.  None of these stains were selected for STR profiling.

Dr Hunt just describes the items:

  • A pair of beige socks
  • A pair of walking-type boots, brown leather, with the laces done up in double bows
At the moment I can't explain the presence and positioning of the bloodstains on the boots.  Whether the bloodstains on the socks were there as a result of the permeability of the leather I don't know.  If the blood soaked through it suggests to me there was more than a smear of blood on the boots.

There is no evidence of Hutton seeing Mr Green's report so here again it seems that there was an oddity which was not discussed.

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